EDITORIAL: What, me, old? Well, maybe so...


One day, I looked in the mirror and realized just how much I look like my mother. There’s nothing wrong with that at all. But it hit me and I had to ask myself: When did I start looking like this?

Mind you, I have my dad’s coloring, but everything else is my mom. It’s just that... I look... well... OLD!

My mom never really looked her age, and she died of cancer at 65 years old so I’ll always remember as having looked very young in her older years.

And I always hoped that I’d inherit that.

Nah. Not happening.

Then I ran across a silly little quiz the other day that proclaimed that ‘You’re old if...”

I took the quiz.

It’s official: I’m old.

The quiz was really just for fun, but it made me think about some of the things that were common when I was growing up - things that are considered really old by today’s standards.

So here are some of the questions. Think about it, and see if this makes you feel as old as it made me feel:

• Do you remember a time when Saturday mornings meant sitting in front of the TV and watching the ‘Saturday morning cartoons’?

(Then I thought: Do cartoons still come on at all on Saturday mornings?)

• Do you remember a time when cassette tapes were the mode of listening to music?

• Do you remember having to use a pencil to rewind the cassette when the tape started to spool out of the plastic case?

• Do you remember when the only way to watch a TV show after it had run on its regular schedule was to wait for it during re-run season, or pop a VHS tape into a VCR?

• Do you make an involuntary grunting sound when you’re trying to get up from sitting on the floor or any other seat that is a bit low?

• Do you turn on the radio, shake your head at the music you hear, mutter ‘that’s music?’ and turn the radio off?

• Do you have to look up the meanings of short-hand text expressions like ‘smh,’ ‘brb,’ ‘aap,’ ‘lol,’ or ‘rofl’?

• Can you take a quiz about rock ‘hair bands’ and score at least 8 out of 10 correct?

(Heck, can you take a quiz about any musician or band from the 80s and get an almost-perfect score?)

• Are you surprised when the younger person you’re talking to says he or she has never seen “Back to the Future,” “The Karate Kid,” any of the Indianan Jones movies or - gasp - none of the Star Wars original three?

• Do you still try to rock a scrunchie when you’re being casual?

• Do you know when your dog or cat ate something during the night because you had to get up - more than once - to use the bathroom?

• Did you ever put pictures in a plastic or wire-bound book where you had to lift cellophane to place the photo onto a somewhat sticky piece of cardboard, then replace the cellophane to keep it in place?

• Do you remember a time when Polaroids were used for taking photos to place in above-described book - a time when Instagram didn’t even exist?

Did you nod your head ‘yes’ to at least four of the things listed above?

If so, come help me get up so we can both go get our hearing aids and our walking canes.


BTW: And I don’t want to even think about the score I got on the quiz that helps you answer the question: “Am I Fat?”

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