Source: Area principal accused of sexual harassment

— According to a source close to the situation, an area principal is facing disciplinary action for alleged inappropriate actions towards a teacher.

A teacher with the Camden Fairview School District has accused a principal of sexual harassment. The source provided names for the accusing party and the accused, but no official court documents have been filed.

Camden lawyer Eugene Bramblett and CFSD attorney Allen Roberts were all unable to offer or confirm any details or offer any comments on the situation.

The incident occurred before Fred Lilly was named the CFSD Superintendent. Lilly shared that he is unaware of all of the details as it is being handled by the lawyers so he is unable to comment. He did say that the situation is being taken seriously. Lilly also added that providing a safe, comfortable environment for the district’s employees to do their jobs to the best of their abilities, only comes second to the safety and education of the CFSD students. He concluded that he is going to do all he can to make sure those priorities are met.

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